Always fresh and soft multigrain bread. It contains chia seeds, which provide a huge amount of nutrients and a small amount of calories. Low sugar content, low saturated fat content, source of dietary fiber and vitamin E.
A delicious pasta typical of Italian cuisine, originating from the south of Italy. It is served, for example, with seafood, pesto or another favourite sauce.
Shaped like small ears, which is why it got its name. It originates from the Italian region of Pulia, where it is served as an ingredient in filling salads.
Available only in Żabka stores. Always fresh and soft multigrain bread. It contains chia seeds, which provide a huge amount of nutrients and a small amount of calories. Low sugar content, low saturated fat content, source of dietary fiber and vitamin E.
Very soft and delicate bread with a slightly crispy crust sprinkled with poppy seeds. Thanks to the sourdough content, it is always fresh and does not crumble. Low sugar content, low saturated fat content, source of dietary fiber.
Characteristic of the Italian region of Abruzzo. Produced with a guitar-like instrument, it took the name of this instrument. Served with sauces, it is a favorite of Europeans.
Always fresh and soft bread with a hint of cumin. The low content of sugar and saturated fatty acids, as well as the high content of fiber make it an exceptionally valuable product.
Gluten-free oat flakes from controlled and gluten-free oats. Gluten level below 20 ppm. Oat flakes are a quick and healthy breakfast. Poured over boiling water they make a delicious oatmeal. Enjoy with milk, yoghurt, honey or fruit. Perfect for baked sweets and whole-grain bread.